
Love At First Sight


SKU: LOVE Category:


These 5×7 images are printed with archival paper and ink. All profits from sales of these seven Romeo images go toward The Black Wolf Special Project, a nonprofit-sponsored fund for a museum-quality exhibit in Juneau in his honor. Please see the following link for more information: and do consider making a tax-deductible donation to the fund, large or small.

Nick Jans
HC 60 Box 2628
Haines, AK 99827

“The compelling, grounded account of a black wolf that stepped forward in the half-light between wilderness and civilization and the people who met him there. From the powerful first moments to a hard-won conclusion that becomes our journey, too, A Wolf Called Romeo is a book that carries long after the last page is turned.”
Susannah CharlesonAuthor of Scent of the Missing and The Possibility Dogs
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